Hello and welcome to Trippy Friends. This is About us page that should guide and introduce you to our website. We decided to create this page because we believe that in order for us to be able to maintain trust between our customers in the proper way everything should and need’s to be transparent. Things like security of our web service, security of our customers, customer service, our history, our main and future goals.
For all of you who may ask – why we decided to create About us page after operating this shop for almost 2 years? Yea, that’s a bit stupid, isn’t it? But back at the day we really didn’t know how to represent ourselves besides lying you, telling you how we’re going to be the biggest market, how we will never going to scam you and all that BS. But why now? When we started this project back in 2018 we really didn’t felt anything. We don’t want to lie to you. We just didn’t felt we was doing something good. We didn’t have a feeling for the community, for all you. Because, when you start doing something you can’t predict the outcomes, you can’t know is it going to be a good thing, or bad or is it even gonna work? When we started doing this we could not have a formed ideology. After doing this for almost 2 years we think we finally found what we were looking for. And that ideology is being a “free internet” enthusiast, changing the world, making a difference. That’s what this project is all about. Making a difference in the drug world.
Why us?
Before answering this question, let me ask you something? How many times you have been scammed on darknet markets? How many times you have been selectively scammed on darknet markets? How many times you have been scammed by a vendor after 2 or 3 successful orders? How many times moderators of those markets disputed your case in favor of a vendor who scammed you? What’s the point of escrow then? If you are long enough in the darknet, then you by now probably know that this what I’m writing is true, if you don’t, then just try it. If you don’t believe us since you’re new to this scene we advise you to just try it. You will be one very lucky individual if you actually happen to find a reliable connection through hundreds of scammers. After you try it, we will be your choice because we will have trust in your eyes. There you go, question answered.
Security of our customers
We take your privacy and security very seriously. The stakes are high. Our freedom, your freedom. Unlike traditional darknet markets that function more like Amazon or e-Bay style e-commerce site (and that’s wrong) we function more like Craigslist. A simple stupid website with little-to-no-features. Why you may ask? The site simplicity and lack of payment and messaging features reduce it’s attack surface by Law Enforcement agencies. When you shop at the traditional market you are exposing yourself a lot. Firstly, when you deposit bitcoins into the market in the case of market seizure (Wall Street Market for example. A lot of buyers has been raided by the police, read about it) LE has evidence against you even if you used stupid mixer services, it doesn’t help, you still deposited bitcoins into one of the biggest drug markets, for example. With us, you deposit a bitcoin to one of our address that’s not directly connected to drugs and doing so over the encrypted channels (for example, protonmail or Wickr). In other words, we also protect your transactions by acting like a sort of Proxy. So instead of having all evidence in place, like, all statistic about orders, when you buy, what you buy, from who you buy (you have all that features on most of the markets today) we act more like a traditional drug dealing with online support than a real full-fledged marketplace. Everything has done one-on-one. For example, when you’re buying at traditional markets, it’s like you’re buying in front of Times Square. When you’re buying with us, it’s like your buying in some shady street corner where none sees anything. Besides that all vendors who vend on this website and who are a part of our team are long-time veterans of the darkweb. You can be sure that all products will come with high stealth measures put in place.
All our products are certified 100% authentic and can be delivered anywhere in the world. We attach great importance to the choice of suppliers and service quality. We Discretely packaged in a vacuum sealed box, silver or aluminum foil grip bag, Coat all our products with flavored paraffin wax and then seal it with an anti X-ray lead sheath before the final packaging with machine . making it 100% discreet All purchases are completely confidential, if along the shipment the package encounter some complication, we will reship a new
Package or refund the amount payed Delivery will be in a sealed and very discreet.